
About Us

Founded by technologists.
Run by technologists.
Experience at our core.


We are a digital IT governance platform provider. ​

We provide a platform to clients to provide a full range of IT governance assessments, tools. Optionally our platform allows access to just in time services, delivered via us or our trusted partners.
We use technology to keep our platform accessible to the widest business budgets, putting the power of information squarely back in business leaders hands.
We bring together a wide range of skills into easy to access practical services – networking, cyber, strategy, suppliers and more.


We are proud to put you and your business first.

We start with you, what are you looking to achieve from our platform – whether that is assistance with a specific technology decision, help making the write supplier hiring decision or understanding how you can make technology work harder for your business.
We take the fear and unknown out of the process, putting you in control of the process and providing information and advice that is specific to you, your business and our view on the best outcome.
Our goal is to provide the information you need to make decisions, whether that is managing your existing suppliers, setting internal processes or selecting new vendors.

Our People

Meet the leadership team​


CTO and Head of Development


CTO and Head of Security


Head of Operations


Our Professional Network

Our Internal team are experts in providing IT Governance advice, support and strategy via our platform. We have an extensive, trusted and reliable partner network who extend our technology reach into specific subject matter areas e.g. Cloud (AWS, Azure, On-Premise etc), Applications (ERP, CRM, Web etc) and more.
We have a rigorous on-boarding process for Technologists to join our adviser network – our platform minimizes the time needed for our partners to suggest solutions (enabling quicker decisions, less of your time needed in fact-find and complete proposals based on your whole business).

Join Our Team

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